
Showing posts from September, 2020

Kamaa wa Comp Games and Computer Services

Kamaa Wa Comp is a computer service center the aim of the computer service center is to create an environment were computer use will at least be easier to use and manage.. 💻.. In other terms the center also provides Games and Software's such games are paid 10 per 20 minutes of play determining the type of the the charges varies.. with your support will be hoping to reach out to more services center.

State of KIHUNGURO ROADS since memories

Hello glad to have you online and also for following the updates in our beloved country .As we continue fighting the COVID19 pandemic we will like also to focus on the latest and trending developments going on in our counties and wards. Today we Review KIHUNGURO The place is very interesting and a lot of activities on sports going on businesses and small enterprises always find easy time with the environment and the customers. KIHUNGURO in other terms remains the most undeveloped area in RUIRU the reason cannot be expressed why but the roads are always muddy and floody during wet seasons . There is no any leader who has brought change to kihunguro. In terms of housing kihunguro provides the best housing services example is the SKYLINKAPARTMENT located next to KIHUNGURO STADIUM. Kihunguro is a nice place located next to THIKA SUPER HIGHWAY but the roads that connect to it are always worse and never developed. I as kamaa wa comp i will like to tell all residents to unite a...