
Football Kenya Federation ABERDARES BRANCH

COUNTY LEAGUE NO.5. Pool A   Results   as    at   17/3/2019.                         Deliverance 0 Thogoto United 4                                                              Thundersortive 1 Githiga oympic 0                                                                                                           limuru 0 Ndula 0                                       ...

Kamaa wa comp Games and Computer Services.

Computer Games and other software's gives you a moment to relax and make most of your boring moments enjoyable. Computers play and important part in the society it comes with different variety of choices that you need.             REPAIRING A COMPUTER W hen dealing with computers your have to put in mind that it is an electronic device therefore caution must be followed to avoid shock or injuries .Computers are easy to repair if you are willing to overcome all issues related to these machines. I suppose you have learnt at least a bit about computers because will be starting from hardware's till the last part of a computer that enables it to boot. kamaa wa comp games and computer services

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Kamaa wa comp 2018-2019........

KAMAA WA COMP GAMES AND COMPUTER SERVICES Hello guys  i hope you are fine.Not forgetting you missed my Tips its all about coming back 2019.This time i have added my business you can search me on google and we interact on the best ideas in future.Computer are sometimes complicated to maintain but KAMAA WA COMP GAMES AND COMPUTER SERVICES will find an easy solution ,also to keep your computers updated.

Kamaa Wa comp

Hello guys missed you its quit a while we have not interacted on the blog about my future thats why I have new tips and important ones to keep your computer safe from viruses.   Sometimes you want to copy files in a computer from a removable disk kindly the first thing you should do is do a USB disc Security check then do a scan on the flashdisk using the antivirus you have already install......N/B the Antivirus should be Up to date ....latest updates.

Kamaa wa comp 2019

HELLO 2019