
State of Ruiru Stadium 2020.

Hello its a blessed new year 2020 as we look forward to develop and create a healthy environment for Ruiru. I have travelled long distances different places and also recording places that need to be developed . As a Ruiru resident i take this opportunity to thank all leaders for creating a peaceful environment even though some areas have not been checked on.     I would like to say something about Ruiru stadium .The pitch is very fine good and more so its all  weather field but the problem is, it does not have seats or toilets. for the fans and also players RUIRU HOTSTARS GOALKEEPER IN ACTION FOR THE FANS. Ruiruhotstars the pride of Ruiru has been performing well in the recent League division this has been motivated by players willing to unite with the fans to make more fun and also grow talents. Ruiru stadium in the past years has been experiencing floods no drainage ,insecurity poor field management and harassment of players by some fans or vice versa.As a follo...


FKF DIVISION 2 LEAGUE RESULTS Utafiti 0 Gogo boys 0                                                                     Korogocho youth 0 CMS All stars 0 Spiffier 1 Mwiki United 0                                                                                 Shofco 1 Tandaza 0 Dimba patriots 2 Mbotela kamaliza 1                                                                              uprising 0 Jysa 1 Zetech Nyahururu ...

Kamaa wa comp 2020

Hello guys i hope your doing fine kindly please I would like to info. You that computer services will resume this December holieay.

NOTICE from kamaawacomp

Hello friends kindly please i will like to inform you that KAMAA WA COMP GAMES AND COMPUTERS SERVICES is currently updating and the services offerred has been  closed until further notice.I would like to thank you all who supported my business and appreciate your effort to support me.                     The services offered will currently be opened on january 2020 this will ensure that more services will have been updated there by meeting the customers demand to avoid poor services and eincrease customers high demand.                     in other instance the computer service centre will have upgraded to a level that it will give customers their demand.

Kamaa Wa Comp 2019 Games and softwares

Kamaa wa comp is a computerized Gaming and Servicing center. The aim of starting a computer workshop is to help those willing to learn and master computer as a way of thinking everyday.         Computer as a simple machine is used to do various tasks such as places like Banks,hospitals Churches etc.inother instance a computer can be used to calculate daily tasks and create employment.         GAMES Computer Games cannot be compared to mobile games. Computer games make the player more sensitive when using the keyboard .Sometimes getting this computer games can be difficult because it depends on the skills you have and technical issues needed to set up those games.         Some computer games are installed automatically while others can be downloaded using the internet...Kamaa wa comp games and computer services offers high quality games for sale.

Football Kenya Federation ABERDARES BRANCH

COUNTY LEAGUE NO.5. Pool A   Results   as    at   17/3/2019.                         Deliverance 0 Thogoto United 4                                                              Thundersortive 1 Githiga oympic 0                                                                                                           limuru 0 Ndula 0                                       ...

Kamaa wa comp Games and Computer Services.

Computer Games and other software's gives you a moment to relax and make most of your boring moments enjoyable. Computers play and important part in the society it comes with different variety of choices that you need.             REPAIRING A COMPUTER W hen dealing with computers your have to put in mind that it is an electronic device therefore caution must be followed to avoid shock or injuries .Computers are easy to repair if you are willing to overcome all issues related to these machines. I suppose you have learnt at least a bit about computers because will be starting from hardware's till the last part of a computer that enables it to boot. kamaa wa comp games and computer services