
Gachie Kihara Bridge Visited by Kamaa Wa comp Visits Resuming 2022-2023

Hello hope all is well 2021 was not a visiting year this was due to restrictions that were impossed by the government . KAMAA WA COMP is a self driven enterprise that deals with computer maintenace and software installation. Travelling with GOOGLE MAPS is also part of KAMAA WA COMP this ensures there is enough security and travelling safety. KAMAA WA COMP will resume travelling in the year 2022-2023 this will be brought up by invites from FACEBOOK,TWITTER,INSTAGRAM,LINKEID,YOUTUBE AND GOOGLE MAPS . Last visit by kamaa wa comp was at gishagi where his FATHER was born. You can find KAMAA WA COMP on Google

Kamaa wa comp Games Computer Softwares and Security Services Reflect on KENYA POLICE 2021-2022

Hello Kamaa wa comp wishes you a blessed year marked with prosperity year 2021 we have been operating online due to COVID 19 restrictions. This has brought business not performing well there for some delays in Marketing and services delivery. Kamaa wa comp has been working with Security Services since the Year 2013 2014 after Graduating from BRINKS SECURITY SERVICES.This has enabled KAMAA WA COMP to continue offering services online with Security Services. Which is important in a growing economy this ensures there is service delivery without any issues that might hinder it. Kamaa wa comp will resume public services once COVID 19 restrictions are over this pandemic has also brought changes that were not expected. Currently KAMAA WA COMP IS offering Security Service this has enabled to reflect on the KENYA POLICE response to COVID 19. After been arrested twice and released KAMAA WA COMP will start focusing on the challenges KENYANS face when arrested by the KENYA POLICE come 2022-2023 k...

Grand Theft Auto Lyari Express Computer Gaming Software 3 via kamaawacom...


Zidisha platform @ Kamaa Wa comp Micro Finance loans

Kamaa Wa comp operates from lenders assistance through Zidisha micro finance loans this enables the services to run effectively once a year. Kamaa wa comp is considering updates to resume 2022 after clearing with lenders from Zidisha to achieve the target. Kindly SUBSCRIBE MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL THAT IS KAMAA WA COMP FOLLOW ON FACEBOOK AS KAMAA WA COMP FIND US ON TWITTER,INSTAGRAM,LINKEDIN, WELCOME AND FEEL AT HOME WITH COMPUTER EXPERIENCE KAMAA WA COMP Ke

Windows 7 Shut Down Logging Off via Kamaawacompke Online 2021-2022

Kamaa wa comp Games Computer Softwares and Security Services continues operating online 2021 this has been brought up by Google Services and visiting places on MAPS. Kamaa wa comp provides private security solutions others are computer related this is to ensure there is computer usage and safety while playing online content. Kamaa wa comp will update opening by the year 2022 -2023 FOR SUPPORT FOLLOW ON GOOGLE VIA KAMAA WA COMP FACEBOOK KAMAA WA COMP TWITTER INSTAGRAM LINKEDIN YOUTUBE kamaa wa comp 0702861577 0710157066 0786226934

Windows Xp Restart @Kamaa Wa Comp Ke 2021-2022

Hello friends followers and supporters for supporting and promoting kamaawacomp this is a journey that will never end despite many challenges the services and all softwares are now available online on facebook,Twitter,Instagram,linkedin,Googlemaps and youtube.All services are been operated only online fom Google this will ensure easy transtition to customer offline services 2022-2023. KAMAA WA COMP GAMES COMPUTER SOFTARES AND SERCURITY SERVICES 2021-2022

Kamaa Wa comp Subscribe to my Channel And get Connected 💻 at Home visit ...

Kamaa wa comp is a self sponsored initiative only managed with the appointment from online customers .The location is within Spinners and Eastern bypass .Kamaa wa comp was started back in the year 2017 with the aim of promoting computer usage and maintenance. You can follow kamaa wa comp on google for more updates this brings about the customers experiecnce to know more about computing TAHNK YOU AND I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR FOLLOW