
Windows Xp Setup via Kamaa wa Comp KE

Hello Thank you Customers and visitors Kamaa wa Comp will still continue using Windows Xp as its the simplest Operating system to use Windows Xp Comes with Different Games even though you need an Antivirus to Protect The Game softwares. Kamaa wa comp will Soon update to windows 7 later this will enhance Speed and more services Extension ... Follow Kamaa wa comp On Google .. KamaawacompKE

Kamaa wa Comp Visit Official Launching

Congratulations MCA Kimani nduta its a golden chance opportunity to serve your people within the Community. Most of those who voted you wunt follow you but working and delivering to the community is the key. For instance not all will visit the office but will expect equal service, First consider working via developments mostly roads. as we start off the Journey Kamaa wa comp will continue supporting you via online services and also visit the office in the next 5 years to come.

Kamaa Wa Comp Via Pirates⚽Sports⚽ Academy with FiFA ⚽

Thank you for continued support viewing visiting and uniting as a team Pirates ⚽ Sports academy will continue for ever this is now not kihunguro junior stars .This chance is the best when the teams had relaxed for break due to FiFA ban. Fifa requires Transparency and Accountability in each team.⚽ as Kamaa wa comp i will make sure this rules are followed without any issues araised. I would like to urge FIFA to continue supporting ⚽ Talents in Kenya as now i will be available to ensure the Guidelines are well followed

KamaawacompKE windows 7 ultimate 2022-2023

check out Kamaa wa comp

Hello Kamaa wa comp would like to wish all his followers a blessed festive season.

Kamaa wa Comp KE 2022 -2023 Service resuming with computer Games via Go...

Kamaa Wa Comp preview...Check out and keep following

Hello followers all kamaa wa comp activities have been moved to online services via Google this will create enough space to interact and share content and as well as offer other services ..kamaa wa comp will be serving at Ruiru ict hub This will connect all users followers together and make a platform that will always be available for users online. Kamaa wa comp is a computerized service center the aim is to boost computer usage and maintenance.