
Coach Kamaa Pirates Sports ⚽ Academy ⚽ visits Ruiru Sports academy and will create a friendly league Tournament.

Coach kamaa well known as kamaa wa comp will be taking 15 young soccer players soccer and computer training. kamaa wa comp know as Robert kamau chuchu is a computer technician and as well as Football coach. Coach kamaa came from grassroot background this is where by soccer or those willing to start off their career can visit kamaa wa comp for team management. Kamaa wa comp will create a friendly league with all junior teams withing RUIRU this will bring together all teams willing to participate Rules and instructions will be upheld...

Kamaa wa comp joins Digital Sacco Society

Kamaa wa comp joins Digital Sacco Society This will boost kamaa wa comp financially you can also join .

Kamaa wa comp returns

Thank you Google for supporting and boosting Kamaawacomp Kamaa wa comp is a computerised Service Centre the aim is to promote computer usage. Computers will drive the Next Technology therefore we should consider more Skills about Computing Follow Kamaa wa comp On Google

Kamaa wa Comp⚽ Via Pirates Sports Academy⚽ Gitambaya Youth Association 2023 ⚽2024 ⚽

Chairman Samuel Njenga Team Manager Robert Kamau Team Captain Gerrard Murira Team Technical Bench James Keige Fair ⚽ Play Pirates Sports Foundation

Kamaa Coaches ⚽ Returns and Now with Grass Root Players to start with Academy level.... ⚽

Kamaa wa comp will be returning to Soccer ⚽ this will make Kamaa wa comp now focus on Football ⚽ and also try to bring Youth Together. Soccer in Kenya Fail due to Funding and lack of Academies.If people can fund and also establish Soccer Academies that are compulsory ⚽ will another Big thing . Kamaa wa comp ⚽ is a Computer Solution Centre the aim is to promote computer usage and create ways by which Youth can Earn From. Kamaa wa comp will Stick to PiratesSportsAcademy this will bring Gitambaya youths Association . Soccer brings youth Together and also ensure they are a growth to a community. Follow Kamaa wa comp on Google. ⚽ Welcome ⚽

Kamaa wa comp (Coach Kamaa ) Resumes Training With Pirates⚽ Sports Academy ⚽

Its Back Fair Play Coach Kamaa Pirates Sports Foundation GoalKeeper Returns Fair Play ⚽ Fair Play Kamaa wa Comp KE

Kamaa wa comp organic farming still going on

Kamaa wa comp continues to venture into Agriculture despite facing space challenges. This has brought about pausing or postponing the project...The project is been run in a small spacing Growing Pumpkings.kales.sweetpotatoes and othe plants such as Avocado Trees. Currently the project is running under irrigation due to unexpected Rains . Plant Spraying of the pest and instecticides has been done. Keep Following Kamaa wa Comp Farming Projects . Google Kamaa wa comp Ke