
Gitambaya BiasharaWardResidents Cry over Badstate of the roads Kamaa wa comp

Hello hope you are all fine first is to thank and appreciate your support as we seek to request development at Ruiru Biashara Ward. Ruiru Biashara ward is fast growing ward the place is located between Gitothua ward and Gatongora ward . Ruiru Biashara ward is still known as Gitambaya as from the recent old days. Gitambaya is a place of interests but looks neglected by the previous leaders. Developements are the key to a growing nation or a country the reason for developments is to ensure there is proper maintenance of resources. Kamaa wa comp joined in demos due to the BAD STATE of the roads that connects Gitambaya to kihunguro to thika superhighway . Kamaa wa comp would like to request the Current Government to check and replan the roads.

Biashara Ward Soccer Stars vs Bluestars fc at kihunguro Grounds Kamaa pl...

Biashara Ward Soccer Stars VS Bluestars at Kihunguro grounds via kamaa w...

Hello its 2024 and kamaa wa comp foundation is still strong to keep it moving kamaa wa comp is aprivate owned enterprise that deals with computer usage and maintenance kamaa wa comp also deals with sporting activities this makes one feel safe and fit.

Kamaa wa comp Resumes Farming after Quiting Coaching Football now raisin...

Ruiru Biashara Ward Sports Foundation Training and Fitness at Biashara Sports Ground


Kamaa wa Comp Chicken And Rabbit Farm projects now expanding after been boosted with chicks to raise

Kamaa wa comp is now venturing in rabbit and chicken farming after getting support with chicks to raise by the COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF KIAMBU Kamaa wa comp projects are always analysed before funding this is to make the projects effective in running and marketing their produces Rabbit are very good pet animals even if they eat alot.Rabbits can leave together in a space that is not that big since they are very friendly. chickens on the other side are also friendly despite those places where planting of crops is going on this is because they can be very destructive.

Kamaa wa comp Computer Services and maintenance 2024 2025