Kamaa wa comp continues to operate online services can be found online as it is closed for now. Kamaa wa comp will be hoping to upgrade come 2025 2026 this will enhance service updates of windows operating system. Kamaa wa comp is always committed to his/her work in different ways. computer services and maintenance.
Hello i would like to thank all those who visit kamaa wa comp and learn more about services offered .Will be expecting more to come once plans have been resolved as there have been issues affecting how kamaa wa comp operate. Kamaa wa comp continues to operate online the services includes Marketing and advertising as computer services have been postponed until the end of 2025
Transformation of ideas Basic Element of Graphic design LINE COLOR SHAPE TEXTURE lINES can either be straight or curved and can be used for composition COLOR Can enhance or distract from a composition very powerful warm colours neutral colurs Warm colors generally energizing COOL COLOURS these are nature colours night water Neutral colors serve as the background in design SHAPE are enclosed objects TEXTURE surface look of an object created by varying dark and light areas. GRAPHIC DESIGN PRINCIPLES. movement Balance Emphasis Unity Movement use of lines color and repetition. Balance art of comparing Symmetrical asymmetrical Radial Unity correct balance of composition of colours Emphasis To express with particular stress or force FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS Objective of the communication what needs to be said first and then next...
Software : This are instruction set in a computer to run programs Computers softwares can be found in different categories. Softwares needs to be programmed properly in order for them to run perfectly. Some softwares are found in the computer while some are installed not found in the computer. Kamaa wa comp Ke
DSR camera they are big and use mirrors infront and you dont see exposure changing Mirrorless camera these are small and you kind see what you are doing. what goes on inside camera....THE RESOLUTION AMOUNT OF PIXEL YOU RECORD YOUR VIDEO IN...4k pixels PIXELS THE MORE THE PIXEL THE GOOD THE PHOTO The framerate ,recording and playback framerates Picture profile AUto settings MANUAL SETTINGS